Microsuction Earwax Removal

Earwax removal by microsuction

Microsuction earwax removal is one of the most effective and safe methods of removing earwax in a controlled clinic environment, using a specialist vacuum suction device and a microscope. This procedure is carried out by specially trained earwax removal professionals. You can find your local earwax removal clinic by searching on our website.

Before we go into more details about microsuction, it is important to understand some key concepts around earwax.


What is earwax?
What is the purpose of earwax?
What causes the build-up of earwax?
What are the main symptoms of earwax build-up?
How to remove earwax?
How does the earwax removal by microsuction works?
How to book your earwax removal clinic near me?

So let's get started.

What is earwax?

Your ear canal produces a waxy oil called cerumen, commonly known as earwax. It is produced naturally by your body.

What is the purpose of earwax?

Earwax is produced to protect your ear from dust, germs, organisms and foreign objects from entering your ear canal. It also helps to reduce irritation of the skin in the ear from water.

This means that earwax plays an important role in keeping our ears healthy. The problem arises only when there is a build-up of excess earwax.

So what are the causes of earwax build-up?

In most people, excess wax finds its way out of the ear canal and gets washed away from the ear opening. However, some people can suffer from ear wax build-up.

There are several possible reasons for ear wax build-up, you might have earwax build-up because:

  • you just have more wax in your ears – some people produce more wax naturally.
  • you have hairy or narrow canals (the tubes that link the eardrum and outer ear)
  • of hearing aids, earplugs and other things you put in your ear – these can push the wax further in. This is why earbuds or similar objects are not recommended to be used by ear specialists.

What are common signs and symptoms of earwax build-up?

The signs and symptoms of blocked ears depend on the severity of the ear wax build-up. Generally, you might experience the following symptoms,

  • you just have more wax in your ears – some people produce more wax naturally.
  • earache
  • difficulty hearing
  • itchiness
  • dizziness
  • an ear infection
  • sounds such as high-pitched tones coming from inside the ear (tinnitus)

It is important to remember the above symptoms could have other causes so it is important that you see your doctor if the symptoms persist or they don't get better with treatment.

What can you do to safely remove earwax?

If you are experiencing some of the above signs and symptoms then you might want to try over-the-counter eardrops (usually olive oil) available from pharmacies. This will soften the ear wax that has build-up in the ear canal and lumps of ear wax should fall out over the next two weeks, especially at night. You should avoid using ear cotton buds or other objects to force ear wax out. Doing this might push the ear wax in further or you might cause damage to the ear.

If you have tried over-the-counter treatments for your ear wax build-up and still the issue has not been resolved then ear wax removal through microsuction might be an option. Microsuction is generally safe if you don't suffer from any other ear complications or have an ear injury.

How does the earwax removal through microsuction works?

Microsuction is a technique used widely by professional ear wax removal clinics. When the procedure is carried out by trained professionals, it is an easy, safe and quick way of removing ear wax. Both ears can be done within 30 minutes in most cases.

Sometimes you might need a second appointment. You will be advised by the clinic to use olive oil ear drops for 7-10 days before your appointment to soften the ear wax so that it can be easily removed through a controlled, gentle suction through a specialist machine.

How to book your earwax removal clinic near me?

To find the nearest earwax removal clinic, simple go to the clinics tab from our top menu and search by postcode to find your nearest earwax removal clinic.

You can view the availability of clinics and book an appointment at a date and time to suit you.

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